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435 Northwood Road Seymour, 3660
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(03) 5792 3155


Frequently Asked Questions

What time should I check my pet in?

We are open from 8am-4pm daily and from 4pm-5pm by strict appointment, we do how ever suggest checking your animals in earlier in the day to give them time to settle in to their suite.

What time should I check my pet out?

We provide free of charge check out prior to 12 noon, however animals picked up after 12 Noon will be charged for that day, as we cannot re sell that room to other clients until your pet has checked out.

What if I cannot make it to pick up my pet on the day previously arranged?

Don’t worry we are flexible here at PamPurredPets, just give one of our friendly staff a call and they will happily extend your pets stay.

Am I able to go to my pets suite and settle them in?

To minimise disruptions to other pets in our care at PamPurredPets, new arrivals are not able to be accompanied to their enclosures by owners. As leaving your animals can be a stressful expeience, we ask you to leave your animal with one of our trained staff so they can start the settling in process. This also builds your animals relationship with our staff members and allows for a smooth transition to feeling at home in our facility. We do however always encourage people to book a viewing and have a guided tour of our facility before the day of check in. We also provide a free email service where we can send you up dates of how your pet is going with a photo attached.

How often will my pet be fed?

Each/every pet has their own specific requirements so if they need two or even three feeds a day we can facilitate whatever schedule they have at home. We also welcome people to bring along special diets so that your pets routine can be kept just as if they were at home.

Do I need to provide my pets bedding and toys?

We provide hammock beds and blankets and doonas in winter, which are changed and washed daily. We do however understand that your pet may have a favourite bed or blanket which they are familiar with; we do allow you to bring such items with you, as your pets comfort is our main priority.

Although we take no responsibility for loss or damage of such items, as we to have high hygiene standards to upkeep; so regular washing and in some cases disposal of an item may occur.

What type of vaccination does my pet need?

Cats will need a current up to date F3 vaccination. This vaccination provides your cat with the best protection for the following: Feline Enteritis, Feline Rhinotracheitis and Feline Calicivirus.

Dogs will need a current C5 vaccination, This vaccination provides your dog with the best protection for the following: Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and Bordetella.

We do require a copy of the vaccination records when checking in.

Will pets have their own room?

Yes your pets will have their own room; unlike most other cattery and kennels we do not mix animals at any stage. Animals can however see each other from their out door balconies and when they exercise in the large compound, so they still can interact and enjoy the social benefits kennels provide.

Do you mix animals?

No we do not mix animals at any stage. We do this to ere on the side of caution, dogs like kids can be best friends one minute and have a disagreement the next, we like to control as many variables as possible so that you can rest easy that your animals are happy, healthy and safe.

What if my pet falls ill?

We will contact you or your emergency contact and contact your or our local vet depending on the seriousness of the issue; all decisions made will be in the best interest of your pet in mind.